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This Quickdraw Trivia League Agreement (this "Agreement") is an agreement between each person who accepts this Agreement (each, referred to as "you," and similar terms) and Quickdraw Studios, LLC ("Quickdraw"). By clicking the "I Agree to the Terms" button, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is effective on the date that you accept it.


You agree to the rules listed below, which will govern your participation in the Quickdraw Trivia League for the season beginning on or about June 5, 2017 (the "League").


1. Registration and Team.


Registration. Teams must register online through a QuickdrawTrivia website at (the "Website"). The person who creates a team will be the team captain and will be able to send invitations through the Website to others to join the team. All team members (including the team captain) must register through the Website. Quickdraw will not be responsible for any communication issues arising from players that have not verified their email submitted through the Website.


Team. Each team will have only one team captain and up to 4 other team members plus 2 substitutes, totaling 7 players per team. Players may only be on one team. No one except registered substitutes will be allowed to substitute for a team member for any reason. At least 50% of the registered team members must be in attendance at any game to count for league purposes. All team members must be at least 18 years old.


Dropping Players. The captain may drop players from the team up until the first points have been scored by that team. Players, including the captain, may drop from a team at any time. If the team captain drops from a team, the next player in line will be automatically promoted to captain.


Switching Teams. Any player may join a different team at any time up until the start of semifinal play. All changes must be made through the Website.


Venue. Teams will be automatically assigned a home venue (its "Venue") at the location they have played the most games at. The team's venue will be automatically switched should a team play more games at any other location. The team's venue can be viewed on the Website



2. Prizes.

There will be prizes for overall league 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The prizes will be finalized before the beginning of League Play, and will be posted on the WebApp. The prizes will be paid to the team captain, and the team captain will be responsible for distributing it to the other team members. Quickdraw will not be liable for any amount related to the prize after delivering it to the team captain.


3. Format.

The League will be divided into three segments: League Play, Semi-Finals, and the League Championship.


4. League Play.


Team Attendance. At least 50% of your team must be in attendance for your game to count towards league play. (example: a team of two people must only have 1 person in attendance but a full team of 7 must have at least 4 people in attendance.)


Schedule. League Play will take place between June 5, 2017. The League Play schedule will be posted on the Website.


League Points. League Points will be determined as follows:

  • 5 League Points for winning a game in League Play

  • 3 League Points for finishing second in a game in League Play

  • 2 League Points for finishing third in a game in League Play

  • 1 League Point for attending a game in League Play


Wild-Card Tickets. Each team will also receive one wild-card ticket for each League Play game in which they participate.


Advancing to the Semi-Finals. Each Venue will send three teams to the Semi-Finals. The two teams with the most League Points for each Venue will advance to the Semi-Finals, and a third team for each Venue will be drawn at random from the wild-card tickets from that Venue's teams.


5. Semi-Finals.


Schedule. There will be two Semi-Final games, and each team that advances to the Semi-Finals will play in one Semi-Final game, as assigned by Quickdraw. The schedule for the Semi-Final games will be determined before the end of League Play, and will be posted on the Website.


Advancing to the League Championship. The teams that score in the top half of each Semi-Final game will advance to the League Championship. If the total number of teams participating in either Semi-Final game is an odd number, then the next highest scoring team will also advance to the League Championship. Only the points scored during the Semi-Finals (and not the points scored in League Play) will be considered in determining which teams advance to the League Championship.


6. League Championship.


Schedule. There will be one League Championship game. The date of the League Championship will be determined before the end of League Play, and will be posted to the Website.


Winning. The team that scores the most points in the League Championship will be the winner. The teams with the second most and third most points in the League Championship will finish second and third, respectively. Only the points scored in the League Championship will be considered in determining 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (and not points scored during League Play or the Semi-Finals).


7. Game Scoring.

Scoring in all games will be determined based upon the number of points that the team earns from answering questions correctly. The points per question, and the requirements for earning the points (for example, by answering all parts correctly), will be announced by the game host. Any disputes about the correct answer to a question must be raised at the game and will be decided by the game host. Each game will consist of at least 32 questions, some of which may have multiple parts. There can be no guarantee that each game will have the same number of available points.


8. Tie-Breakers.


League Play. If two or more teams are tied for determining 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in League Play, then the tied teams shall play a bonus round to determine final placing. Each bonus round shall be made up of at least 3 questions selected by the game host. If there is a tie at the end of the bonus round, the game host will add one additional question for the teams that are still tied until the tie is broken.


Advancing to Semi-Finals. If 3 or more teams from a Venue are tied for purposes of determining which team(s) will advance to the Semi-Finals, then the team that scored the most game points (not League Points) during League Play will advance to the Semi-Finals. If there is still a tie, then the team that scored the most points in its last game of League Play will advance to the Semi-Finals. If there is still a tie, Quickdraw and the teams will come to an agreement on tie breaker solution. If no agreement can be reached both teams will be disqualified from Semi-Final play.


Advancing to the League Championship. If two teams are tied for purposes of determining which teams advance to the League Championship, then the tied teams shall play a bonus round to determine final placing. Each bonus round shall be made up of at least 3 questions selected by the game host. If there is a tie at the end of the bonus round, the game host will add one additional question for the teams that are still tied until the tie is broken.


Placing at the League Championship. If two or more teams are tied for determining 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the League Championship, then the tied teams shall play a bonus round to determine final placing. Each bonus round shall be made up of at least 3 questions selected by the game host. If there is a tie at the end of the bonus round, the game host will add one additional question for the teams that are still tied until the tie is broken.


9. Schedule Changes.

Quickdraw is not responsible for an individual venue's decision to change time or locations of league games and is not required to post notification. If it is necessary to reschedule or relocate either Semi-Final or Finals game, the new time and location will be posted to the Website.


10. Disqualifications.


A team will be disqualified from the League for doing any of the following:

  • Shouting out answers during games.

  • Using any device (e.g., phones, computers, tablets, smart watches, etc.) or resource (e.g. a book or non-team member) to get an answer.

  • Disrupting the game after being warned to stop the disruptive behavior.

The game host or Quickdraw will determine whether a team is disqualified, and may waive the disqualification for any reason.


11. Information.

In creating or joining a team, you must provide certain information requested in the registration process. Quickdraw will also track information on your team's performance. Quickdraw will use that information to facilitate the League and to communicate with you about the League and future trivia opportunities.


12. Communications.

Quickdraw will use reasonable efforts to communicate with all team members of any changes or updates relating to the League, but it is the team captain's responsibility to make sure that all team members are aware of all changes. You agree to receive electronic communications from Quickdraw through the Websiteand by email, relating to the League and future events. You may unsubscribe at any time by replying "unsubscribe."


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